As part of our corporate reputations and HR agenda, I've been working on a chapter with a close colleague for a new book edited by Suzanne Young on governance. The chapter will focus on the links between HR and the governance agenda, but will do so from a public sector perspective, where governance issues are equally important.
Part of the reason for the book chapter stems from the current economic crisis, which, in part at least, is a crisis of governance. A few years ago, we wrote a case study on the financial services industry, which was sub-titled 'An industry fit for the future?' In that case we questioned the role of incentives in creating an industry driven by new business and new products rather than by servicing existing customers. Well, the forecast implied by the question in the title was along the right lines, with incentives, greed and lack of governance playing a role in most explanations of what has happened. So the challenge has to be raised, to paraphrase Bert Spector's classic paper on Enron, was HR the 'unindicted co-conspirator' in the demise of financial services?
To return to the public services, our work with some senior HR directors in the NHS in Scotland has led me to think about the links between how HR governs itself, and how that plays into the so called 'three pillars of governance' in healthcare - staff governance, clinical governance and financial governance. It has also led me to think about just how central an issue this is since governance seems to be about balancing innovation and risk in all three pillars and in the HR function itself. How HR organizes itself and is incentivised to be simultaneously creative and risk-conscious can have an enormous impact on how well employees experience their organisations as employers of choice, embracing principles of fair treatment, a say in decision-making, development, a good working environment and supportive leadership (staff governance). In turn, this has obvious consequences for clinical governance, which is concerned with balancing innovations in healthcare with patient safety, especially in so far as staff are fully trained and committed to caring/ prevention goals.
However, where HR at senior levels can really make their mark is at the corporate (read financial) governance level, providing advice and help in the selection, development, performance management and incentivisation of boards. As we have seen in the financial services sector, the culture of an industry and the organisations that represent it are shaped by leadership actions and the values they espouse. Consequently, HR and people management has a key role in to play in promoting their organisations as representatives of 'higher values' rather than just 'hired hands'. So, resurrecting the arguments of Karen Legge, my position is that HR needs to think less about being strategic partners (pace Ulrich) and more about more about becoming managers of reputations - for being simultaneously different (the branding agenda) and legitimate (the governance, ethics and CSR agenda). Any thoughts?
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1 day ago
As a clinician, one of the major problems experienced in Clinical Governance is a lack of legitimacy of HR. Issues such as Infection Control (IC) exemplify the problem. Clearly problems are identified and required intervention to address issues of infection. However, one only has to ask a clinician their opinion of IC to see how legitimately HR are perceived.
I'm sure most people in HR know the regard in which they are held by most clinicians - in many respects they are in a no win situation and have to work doubly hard to gain credibility with professions that control the heart and direction of health services.
I spend lots of time with HR professionals in the service and they seem to me to have patient care at heart as much and perhaps even more that other groups in healthcare; otherwise they wouldn't put up with the battering they take.
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